Last weekend at the Florida Orchestra’s Mother’s Day Pops in the Park concert, I had the incredible honor of meeting Fred Faulkner, WWII vet and Survivor of the Battle of the Bulge. Frank is 99 and wrote a special composition the Florida Orchestra that was performed Sunday. Just saying “thank you for your service” didn’t seem enough.
So I’d like your help. This upcoming Memorial Day Weekend, we’d like to feature those who have so proudly served our country. If it’s you, or a family member or friend, we’d like to hear from you. Simply use the open mic feature on the Dove app at @1055thedove. Say hello, tell us who you are, what branch of the military and what your special words for the weekend are. Then listen for your message over Memorial Day Weekend.
Two little words. Thank you. Let’s make sure we all say them loud and proud!
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