What Does “Healthy” Mean

I grew up being taught about the healthy food groups, then it was the food pyramid, then on to diets like the Mediterranean, Keto....you get the idea. So what’s constitutes healthy these days?

Well, it took fifteen years, but the American Heart Association has updated guidelines for a heart-healthy diet. What does that mean? It means staying away from diets we’ll never follow for long and then go back to old habits. Recommendations are for a lifestyle that’s convenient for you to follow, you can afford and with foods that are available to you. I know with the current issues with the supply chain it can be a challenge and it’s getting more expensive. It does take some work.

For myself, those pandemic pounds do have to leave the room, and it’s what I’m working on. It starts with the food prep so there’s no temptation to slide through the drive through on the way home. Weird hours like mine are not an excuse, and simple changes make a big difference. This weekend it was poached salmon that’s easy to make with filets straight out of the freezer. Just add about ten minutes to the cooking time and check to make sure the fish flakes easily with a fork. Add chicken tenders baked with a bit of fresh herbs, and my favorite veggie-based Impossible Burger. I usually start the day with a protein shake on the way in for convenience sake. Keeping up the exercise is a major part of a hearth-healthy lifestyle so walks in my favorite park are a must.

For the full story on the AHA recommendations please click here, and I’m always looking for your advice, suggestions and of course, recipes which you can send straight to me @ann.kelly@cmg.com. Looking forward to hearing from you!


“Immerse yourself into yourself.”― Adrienne Posey